Category Archives: Bladder Health

Guest Blog: Urologic Health and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Written by: Nicole Niu, Doctor of Physical Therapy The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles, nerves and connective tissue that sit in the seat of your pants. Both men and women have a pelvic floor. The pelvic floor assists with urinary function, bowel function, sexual function, and support/stability of the back and pelvis.…
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Enlarged Prostate and Prostate Cancer: Are They Related?

How is your prostate health? If you’re over 40 and reading this, have you had an appointment with a urology specialist to check your prostate yet? Prostate health is something most men like to brush under the carpet, we don’t think much about it until something goes wrong. However, taking a preventative approach to prostate…
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The Importance of Early Detection in Urological Conditions

Urological conditions, involving changes in the urinary tract can have a huge bearing on health and quality of life. Early detection is paramount for effective treatment and preventing complications. Medical professionals cannot overstress the importance of regular urology screenings for early diagnosis and monitoring of symptoms in children and adults. Early diagnosis enables early interventions…
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Can Running Cause Bladder Problems?

Incontinence happens to many athletes, but it’s almost never talked about outside the context of memes and message boards. Specifically, stress incontinence is what happens when fluid leaks out of the bladder during physical stressors. Running - if you haven’t guessed it yet - is one such stressor that can cause stress incontinence and other…
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Myth vs. Fact: Urinary Tract Infection

Around 40% of women in America experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some stage in their life. Approximately one out of every ten post-menopausal women experienced a UTI in 2023. If you’re dealing with the condition, know it's common and not alone. There are plenty of myths surrounding UTIs, and this post intends to…
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