Category Archives: overactive bladder

Enlarged Prostate and Prostate Cancer: Are They Related?

How is your prostate health? If you’re over 40 and reading this, have you had an appointment with a urology specialist to check your prostate yet? Prostate health is something most men like to brush under the carpet, we don’t think much about it until something goes wrong. However, taking a preventative approach to prostate…
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Understanding Alcohol’s Presence in Your Urine: Detection Time and Factors

Alcohol consumption is a common social activity for many individuals, but it's essential to understand how it affects our bodies and how long it remains detectable in our system. When it comes to determining alcohol intake, one commonly used method is analyzing urine. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that influence the…
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Virtual Community Health Talk: Regain Bladder Control

Are you tired of the frequent bathroom trips? Do you experience leaks or uncontrollable urges to go to the bathroom? The good news is Dr. Sida Niu with Adult Pediatric Urology  & Urogynecology has a solution that can help you regain control of your bladder and bowel. Axonics® Therapy is an advanced treatment option that…
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Can Bladder and Bowel Problems Be Related?

Bladder and bowel problems are common health issues that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. While these problems are often viewed as separate issues, there is a close relationship between the bladder and the bowel. In fact, bladder and bowel problems can be interconnected and have overlapping symptoms. We understand that discussing bowel…
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How Can I Stop Waking Up to Pee at Night?

Waking up to pee in the middle of the night is a natural action, and it’s something that everyone does. However, there can be a point where you’re waking up to urinate several times, and where you have to pee so many times that it causes you to have sleepless nights. Increased urination can be…
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