Category Archives: Prostate Cancer

Best Radiation Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer type diagnosed among men. However, it is also one of the most responsive types of cancer to radiation treatment. Early diagnosis, radiation therapy, and lifestyle changes are key to effectively treating prostate cancer. If you suspect or show signs of prostate cancer, make an appointment with a urology…
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Understanding Prostate Cancer Stages

We never know what to expect in life, including our health outcomes. The tragic reality is that one in every eight men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis. While most men know what prostate cancer is, they typically don’t have a clear understanding of the disease’s progression after diagnosis. Prostate cancer has four distinct stages.…
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Know Your Prostate Cancer Risk Factors: What Every Man Should Be Aware Of

While most prostate cancer cases occur in men over 50, knowing your risk factors gives you time to be prepared and proactive for the future. Around 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed during their lifetime. Many cases advance slowly and can be managed if detected early. Let's unpack prostate cancer, the significant risk factors…
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Enlarged Prostate and Prostate Cancer: Are They Related?

How is your prostate health? If you’re over 40 and reading this, have you had an appointment with a urology specialist to check your prostate yet? Prostate health is something most men like to brush under the carpet, we don’t think much about it until something goes wrong. However, taking a preventative approach to prostate…
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What is Movember?

November is here; it's the season to be thankful and to celebrate. It's also time to start getting ready for the Christmas season! Of the many things that you’re grateful for, there’s no doubt that good health is high on the list. What better way for men to share their gratitude and raise awareness for…
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