Category Archives: Testicular Cancer

What is Movember?

November is here; it's the season to be thankful and to celebrate. It's also time to start getting ready for the Christmas season! Of the many things that you’re grateful for, there’s no doubt that good health is high on the list. What better way for men to share their gratitude and raise awareness for…
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Testicular Torsion is a Medical Emergency

Testicular torsion is the stuff of literal nightmares for many men, and the reality is not much kinder than it sounds! The frightening thing about testicular torsion is that it can occur unprompted. That is to say that you can go to sleep one night and wake up in the morning with torsion. Testicular torsion…
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Hydrocele Causes & Treatments

What is a hydrocele? A hydrocele is an accumulation of fluid within the sac that surrounds the testicle, resulting in ballooning and enlargement of the scrotum. It can vary in size from just slightly bigger than the actual testes to larger than a cantaloupe. (more…)
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Undescended Testicle Symptoms and Treatment

Undescended testicles (formally known as cryptorchidism) occurs when a testicle has failed to pass into the scrotum prior to birth. It is a relatively common condition that affects newborns, infants, and baby boys. According to research, up to 5 percent of newborn male babies are affected by cryptorchidism, and about 10 percent of these cases…
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Best Urologists in Omaha, Nebraska

Handpicked Top 3 Best Urologists in Omaha, Nebraska. They face a rigorous 50-Point Inspection, which includes customer reviews, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, trust, cost, and general excellence. You deserve the best! Best Urologists in Omaha, Nebraska Inspection Guidelines The 50-Point Inspection includes everything from checking reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust, and cost to…
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