Alcohol consumption is a common social activity for many individuals, but it's essential to understand how it affects our bodies and how long it remains detectable in our system. When it comes to determining alcohol intake, one commonly used method is analyzing urine. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that influence the…
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Can Bladder and Bowel Problems Be Related?
Bladder and bowel problems are common health issues that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. While these problems are often viewed as separate issues, there is a close relationship between the bladder and the bowel. In fact, bladder and bowel problems can be interconnected and have overlapping symptoms. We understand that discussing bowel…
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Does a Urologist Deal with Pelvic Floor?
Are you dealing with pelvic floor issues? If you're experiencing urinary incontinence or erectile dysfunction, your pelvic floor likely has something to do with the problem. If that's the case, you'll need to see a urologist to assess and treat the issue. (more…)
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What is Bladder Retraining?
While bladder control isn't something that most people like to discuss, it's something that affects everyone. Almost all people at some point, forego at least some of their bladder control with time, injury, or with age. Bladder retraining is a very commonly recommended step by urologists that can help people at any age. Bladder retraining…
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Why Peeing In the Pool Is a Bad Idea
This topic grosses out some people but does not bother others. The debate surprisingly is still going on due to the fact that not everyone believes there is anything wrong with peeing in the pool. This includes mostly children, but adults as well! In fact, some Olympic swimmers have even come out to admit that…
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