Kidney Cysts Treatments

A kidney cyst is a fluid-filled sac that grows in your kidneys, which are the bean-shaped organs that filter wastes out of your bloodstream to produce urine. You might have a single cyst on one kidney or many cysts on both kidneys.

There are two types of cysts: simple cysts and polycystic kidney disease.

Simple Kidney Cysts

Simple cysts are individual cysts that form on the kidneys. They have thin walls and contain a water-like fluid. Simple cysts don’t damage the kidneys or affect the kidneys' function.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is an inherited condition that causes many cysts to form on the kidneys. These cysts can damage the kidneys as they grow.

Kidney Cysts Causes

The cause of simple kidney cysts is not fully understood, but they do not appear to be inherited. Being male is a risk factor, however, as is age: Almost half of all people age 50 or older have one or more simple cysts in the kidneys. The size of these cysts may also increase with age and may double over 10 years.

Kidney Cysts Symptoms

A simple cyst may not cause any symptoms. However, if the cyst grows large or becomes infected, it may cause symptoms such as:

  • fever
  • pain in your back or side between your ribs and pelvis (the pain is usually dull, but it can become severe if the cyst bursts)
  • pain in your upper abdomen
  • swelling of the abdomen
  • urinating more often than usual
  • blood in your urine
  • dark urine

PKD can cause symptoms and signs such as:

  • pain in your back and side
  • high blood pressure
  • blood in your urine

Kidney Cysts Treatments in Omaha

Most simple kidney cysts do not need any treatment beyond periodic monitoring.

Kidney cysts that cause symptoms may require treatments in Omaha, particularly if they block the flow of urine or blood through the kidneys.

Surgery Kidney Cysts Treatments Omaha

In rare cases of a very large cyst, surgery may be required to drain or remove the growth. Normally, this is done with a small tool that has a light and video camera on one end that allows the surgeon to make a small incision.

Kidney cyst removal is usually performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

In the case of an infected cyst, antibiotic therapy may be started prior to any other treatment.